Complaints Policy and Procedure
We want all our patients to be pleased with the service they receive, so we take complaints seriously. If a patient makes a complaint, we will deal with it promptly and courteously. Our aim is to resolve the matter as quickly as possible following the agreed procedure and, wherever possible, to the satisfaction of the patient.
A complaint may indicate a failing on our part, which we can learn from and make improvements to our service. We will adopt a ‘no blame’ approach when investigating a complaint and especially where individuals are identified, with the aim of reach a satisfactory conclusion. We will, at all times, be polite and respectful to our patients.
Practice procedure
1. The Practice Complaints Manager Dr Sam Hill/Sasha Twyford are responsible for dealing with all complaints about our service.
2. If a patient makes a complaint in person or by telephone, the member of staff receiving the complaint makes an initial record of their concerns and checks this for accuracy with the patient. The patient is given a copy of the record and the original is passed to the Complaints Manager. If the Complaints Manager is available, the patient is asked whether they would like to see him/her immediately. Otherwise the patient is advised when the Complaints Manager will make contact to arrange a meeting in person or by telephone.
3. If the patient complains in writing or by e-mail, the complaint will be passed immediately to the Complaints Manager.
4. Complaints about clinical care or the amount charged for treatment will be referred to the dentist concerned, unless the patient requests otherwise.
5. All complaints are acknowledged in writing as soon as possible but within three working days. A copy of this code of practice will be sent with the acknowledgement. If the patient has not yet discussed the matter with the Complaints Manager, they will be offered the opportunity to do so and also be asked how they would like to be kept informed of developments – by letter, e-mail, telephone or face-to-face meetings. The patient will also be advised of the process we will follow in resolving the complaint and the anticipated timescale.
6. We will investigate the complaint speedily and efficiently and, as far a reasonably practicable, will keep the patient informed of our progress. Investigations will normally be completed within 10 working days.
7. On completion of our investigation, we will confirm the decision in writing
8. Proper and comprehensive records will kept of any complaint received as well as any actions taken to improve services as a consequence of a complaint.
9. If a patient is not satisfied with the result, then the complaint may be referred to:
If the patient feels unable to complain to the Practice, the complaint can be made to NHS England as the commissioner of the service. Complaints are received centrally at the call centre and they are forwarded to NYH CSU Patient Relations team. Patient Relations will then contact the Practice, share the complaint and discuss timescale for investigation and response and ask for a response in a format to share with complainant. They will also seek clinical advice as necessary. The response is signed off by the Area Team and sent to the complainant.
Contact details for NHS England
Email -
Telephone number 0300 311 2233
By post to the Complaints Manager
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
If a patient is not satisfied with the result, then the complaint may be referred to:
For NHS Dentistry
The Parlimentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
Tel: 0345 015 4033
Email -
For Private Dentistry
Dental Complaints Service
The Lansdowne Building
2 Lansdowne Road
Tel: 08456 120 540